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The new novel “Das kleine Weihnachtsboot an der Nordsee” by Felicitas Kind erzählt from Nina’s turbulent Auszeit op Juist. If the authorization happened, it was a fact that it happened here.
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Neustadtgödens – Wer zur Weihnachtszeit romantic Romance liebt, with wunderschönen Kulissen, aufkeimender Liebe, a bisschen Herzschmerz, Problems, which are überschaubar sind, Romane, both denen vom first Satz a clear ist, that’s at the end but everything is good, Geschichten with Wohlfühlatmosphäre also, there is at the autorin Felicitas Kind genaurichtig. “The little Christmas boat on the Nordsee” is what the young Roman said. That Autorin.
It is a Nina, who never spends her Christmas time at just a quiet time. Denn Dort Hat is a Hausboot geerbt. If the boat is replaced and repaired if there are problems, the Nachbarschaft als erhofft and so become the first cousins with the Ruhe and Gemütlichkeit, which Nina erhofft hatte. And then Hafenmeister Morten does not come into play: rau, wortkarg, aber er packt with an, wenn es nötig ist.
The Roman and Sein Plot is one, the authoritarian Felicitas Kind is the other. The following hints are of special interest to two women: Regine Kölpin (60) from Neustadtgödens and Gitta Edelmann (63) from Bonn, who are on the Mirror Bestseller List with another Advent Calendar Book.
But who will come to both of them to write together in Romance? Isn’t this seriously reinforced? How does it even function? They both ended up at a book fair during a discussion with a few people, a couple of them a nice party. Going through the year, it’s a scary friendship.
A irrendwann gab a Lektorin den Ausschlag: „Try yet mal, a Buch sister zu machen.“ Background war damals Zeitnot. “Coppenrath wants an Advent calendar book after he has had the time. We can also do something special, a book that we can use together with others. If war damals are uncomplicated, they are later Kurzgeschichten. You can also write your own words,” remembers Regine Kölpin.
He followed a children’s book from Johannes Gutenberg, so that they could both earn a prize and thus end up in Gang together. The duo has developed a method that Romane mixes with singing while he is in the Christmas season. “It’s good, we both have a healthy working environment,” says Gitta Edelmann.
In January it is either an Auszeit, verb a Woche gemeinsam in a Ferienwohnung. “The time is unglaublich productive,” says Kölpin. The Gerüst was created, it is a celebration that the History tells, which Persons are aware of. And then it’s off.
At the end of the week you will see how to look in the Alltag and read all the other things – once you get home, your Woche is one of the most successful Seitenzahl. “We’re going to spend a lot of time with it,” said Edelmann. “A manchmal is even more exciting, anyone who develops a person will be able to read the text,” says Kölpin.
If there is a constructive criticism, both of which are as good as possible, or Toleranz – another on the Zeitplänen – it will not be more. Das Wichtigste: Zuverlässigkeit und Vertrauen. What is Felicitas’ duo? “We are happy with our children and there is still great happiness – and we enjoy our friendship,” said Gitta Edelmann.
And Regine Kölpin is proud of her name in the Whirlpool with a glass of Prosecco entstand. “It is a tough war, if the Romans were to become an Einheit, even if it was a Pseudonym.” The new book “The Little Weihnachtsboot an der Nordsee” from Piper-Verlag is another one at Amazon or Thalia for 13 Euro.
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